Wed 10 Jul, 2024 - Wed 10 Jul, 2024

Part of our Heading North Fringe Festival

To Watch A Man Eat

In a world precariously balanced by excess at the top and slim pickings at the bottom, who is truly starved?

To Watch a Man Eat is a play about appetite: hunger for money, for sex, for power, for control over your own life… or someone else’s. In a world precariously balanced by excess at the top and slim pickings at the bottom, who is truly starved?

Our story follows Andrew and Micky, two blokes choked by their respective white and blue collars. Micky loves all things analogue; Tesco trifle to start the day, a sense-of-accomplishment to end it. He’s perplexed by people like Andrew, the silver spooned metropolitan-elite, who’s worked like a gun-dog to satisfy the status driven ambitions of his smarter, more vindictive partner: Melissa. Wolf in a frilly apron, she expects nothing less than juicy abundance.

Sex, manipulation and violence take-hold, as Andrew tries to leave the life she has so painstakingly built. In our world of ‘corporate confinement’, what do you crave? Sex? Money? Trifle?

Don’t be shy, satiate your appetite…


He just gets it. You know? Someone who understands sacrifice. Someone who understands hard work. A real man, that stands in shining glory against all the tortured narcissists our generation has bred.

I read that 9% of men in the UK are vegetarian now. That knocks me sick.”


Two blokes, choked by their respective white and blue collars: one woman, with a thirst to have it all. In a world balanced by excess at the top and slim pickings at the bottom, who is truly starved? Andrew, Melissa and Micky form a triptych of desire. Sex, money or trifle? Where can we find true pleasure, confined to our positions in the pecking order? Don’t be shy… come and satiate your appetite.

With ‘sharp satirical observations on class, sex and relationships’, To Watch A Man Eat explores corporate compulsions, the control we exert over one another’s lives and how, sometimes, only death can help us to truly begin living.

Described as a ‘full f*cking onslaught’ by sold-out Bristol audiences, Alpine Fellowship awarded writer Sadie Pearson doesn’t shy away from the gruesome.

Fierce and female-led, Full Frontal Theatre is comprised of three gobby gals who promise to never enter a stage quietly, and look forward to making some noise up north this summer.

Produced by

Full Frontal Theatre
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Venue Space



1 hour

Ticket Prices

Tickets from: £5.00

Age Guidance



Strong language, sex, threat

This show has

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