Fri 13 Sep, 2024 - Sat 5 Oct, 2024

Romeo and Juliet

“Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake - it is everything except what it is.”

Against all odds, a young couple fall in love.

An intense, vibrant love that burns and ignites a powder keg within communities already smoldering with tension. Tragic misunderstandings follow, with deadly consequences.

You think you know how this story goes, and who this couple is?

Maybe you do… Maybe you don’t.

This beautiful retelling of Shakespeare’s eternal love story seamlessly weaves BSL, Captions and Audio Description into the storytelling. Each show is performed in a relaxed environment and by an incredible ensemble of Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent actors.

Romeo and Juliet is a collaboration between Graeae and Shakespeare North Playhouse, in association with Theatre by the Lake. Join us as we celebrate differences, challenge preconceptions and shine a light on what ultimately brings us together – love.

Directed by

Jenny Sealey

Co-produced by

Shakespeare North Playhouse & Graeae

In Association With

Theatre by the Lake
Book tickets

Venue Space

Cockpit Theatre


90 minutes

Ticket Prices

Tickets from: £18.20

Age Guidance

Ages 12+

This show has Relaxed performances, Captioned performances, BSL Interpreted performances and Audio Described performances

Have questions, or need support with your booking? Our friendly team are happy to assist. You can email us on [email protected] or give us a ring on 0151 433 7156.

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